Subjective and Objective Impartiality of Arbitrators and Appointing Authorities as a Part of Procedural Public Policy (Ordre Public) in Arbitration
Bělohlávek, Alexander J.
Does EU Law Impact an Arbitrator’s Independence and Impartiality?
Dermendjiev, Ivaylo
The Impartiality of Arbitrators in the Italian System considering the Code of Civil Procedure and Arbitration Institutional Rules
Fonseca, Elena Zucconi Galli
Rasia, Carlo
The Influence of Violation of the Independence and Impartiality Rules on the Enforceability and Effectiveness of the Arbitral Award
Jelonek-Jarco, Barbara
Zawadzka, Julita
The Challenge of Arbitrators and the Impact on the Functioning of Arbitral Tribunals
Vassilakakis, Evangelos